Now Hiring!

Personal Assistant
to Magician David Ranalli


I am looking to hire a reliable and positive person who would enjoy working behind the scenes of my magic empire.

Tasks May Include:

  • Buying supplies online and in-person
  • Communicating with clients
  • Organizing Files
  • Creating budgets
  • Making small props for shows
  • Observing sales calls
  • Learning new software
  • Using Google Suites
  • Organizing or transcribing documents and files
  • Watching magic shows
  • Telling David when he’s being insane

This is not a position to perform on stage as a magician’s assistant or theatre apprentice. This is a very office-like job with a lot of fun perks.

Pay: $15-$20/hr (Contract)

Hours: 10+ per week

Locations: Indianapolis-Based. You will be able to work from home most days. You will also be required for in-person meetings at David’s office and home studio.


If this sounds like the job for you, please submit your resume and a cover letter that starts with “I’m your personal assistant!”

Submit and Schedule an Interview Here: [email protected]